NH2, Grand Trunk Rd, Bhadawar, Uttar Pradesh 221311


The faculty of the Nursing Institution believes that:

  • The basic course in Nursing is a formal educational preparation which should be based on sound educational principles as the foundation on which the practice of nursing is built and further education depends.
  • Nursing is a profession, which is influenced by advance in services and technology. So nurses need to evaluate the curriculum periodically and make needed changes both in theory and practice.
  • The nature of nursing is such that a substantial portion of the student’s learning is acquired in the clinical area and provision of appropriate clinical facilities and clinical guidance with periodical evaluation is the responsibility of the staff.
  • Persons drawn to nursing have concern for other’s welfare, a belief in personal efficiency and desire to actively engage in life activities.
  • Professional and non-professional personnel who are organized into self-directed work team can best provide high quality of nursing care.
  • Ensure continuous improvement of nursing care quality, the role of professional nurse as a team can be best to provide high quality of nursing care.
  • When jobs for nursing personnel are designed the leader needs to ensure employees autonomy and self-actualization for patient care quality, patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction.
  • Nursing leader has a responsibility in helping the student develop pride in the profession and in guiding her / him with respect to the future in nursing by demonstrating a high standard of professional behaviour.
  • Nursing is a professional discipline based on the holistic concept of health care, directed towards rendering quality care to the clients with commitment & compassion.
  • Health as a dynamic state of being on a continuum from optimal wellness to illness and a state of health exists when a person functions as an integrated whole, living and interacting with environment in a productive manner.
  • The profession of nursing makes an essential contribution to society and education for professional Nursing is best conducted in an institution of higher learning.
  • Nursing Education takes place through a planned teaching learning process and this education prepares the student for professional practice and leadership roles within an ever changing health care industry.
  • Nursing Education at the master’s level is specifically concerned with preparing Nurses with advanced practice skills to provide expert nursing care to society & contribute to nursing science as mentors.

Professional nurses contribute to the nursing research, work toward continued improvement & growth of nursing.